Retail Tips

Retail Tips

Tricks, Advice, Experience, and More!
Hey Retailers!!!  Our business can be complex with the ever changing landscape of brick & mortar, online sales and the marketing that surrounds these channels.  This is a place where we can share tricks of the trade that we can all benefit from.  Let the sharing begin!

The Very Real Struggle with Inventory Management

Urban Mattress: An Inventory Management Case Study Inventory management doesn’t sound sexy, but challenges in this area eat at a Retailers profits, such as it did with Urban Mattress. They were challenged with what is only growing in importance, providing consumers a unified experience across diverse mediums (in-store, website, amazon, outlet, etc). Thus, tracking their … Continue reading The Very Real Struggle with Inventory Management

QuickBooks Integration with your PoS System

As companies grow digitally and look for advancements in their e-commerce systems, they look for tools that will accommodate not only features such a… CLICK TITLE TO READ MORE!