Single Store & Organizational Reporting
Filter by LocationAll reporting is tracked at the store and organizational level. This allows you to see how your business as a whole is doing or how to the single location is performing. Some of our favorite reports are the sales by employee report, sales by product or brand report, sales by referral source report. That’s only scratching the surface we have advance sales, inventory and financial reports needed to manage your business.
Ability to Sell Inventory Out of Another Location
Stop Sending Your Customers To Your Other StoreBecause your inventory is managed in the cloud you have access to sell it out of any location if needed. If your customer comes into store A to purchase a product that only store B has in stock – no worries we have you covered. The best part is your inventory, finances, and sales are all tracked correctly without having to go back and manually clean up your data.
Transfer Inventory Between Locations
Keeping Your Inventory CleanNo more using purchase orders or manually updating your data to move inventory from one location to another. Simply use TouchPoint’s inventory transfer tool and quickly move inventory to the location you desire. Our inventory transfer system has a two-point authentication so that inventory does not transfer ownership until the receiving store signs off that it’s been received.
Single Sign In
One Login for Every LocationBecause TouchPoint is built in the cloud you and any employee can log into any store they have access to with one login. If they need to make a transaction in another store it’s as simple a selecting from a drop down. Plus TouchPoint has advanced permissions handling so each employee only has access to the modules and locations you want them to have access to.
Simple and Fair Pricing
No More Register Based PricingRegardless if you have two locations or stores or one thousand the price is the same for your multi-store features. This way you can grow with TouchPoint comfortable that pricing won’t kill you later down the road.